Research project in collaboration with UQAM

What services are offered to SWD in post-secondary establishments? 

AQEIPS is currently working on a research project with the help of le Service aux collectivités de l’UQAM (SAC), whose mandate is to provide students with opportunities to work with non-profit community organisations.  

The goal of our project is to evaluate the services offered to students with disabilities (SWD) in all post-secondary establishments throughout the province of Québec. The ultimate goal of the project is to create a guide of best practices when it comes to providing information and services to students with disabilities in post-secondary education. 

For the first part of the project, we created a rubric to evaluate the information available for SWD as well as the level of accessibility of each of Québec’s cégep and university websites. We are currently in the process of evaluating the websites and preparing a report with the results of our research.  

Coming soon: The results of our evaluation of Québec’s cégep and university websites.