5 years of l’INÉÉI-PSH

On Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024, the Institut national pour l’équité, l’égalité et l’inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap (INÉI-PSH) celebrated their five-year anniversary, and what better idea than to celebrate on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities! The evening was a celebration of the INÉÉI-PSH’s history, which included touching testimonials of the Institute’s successes and a look back at the work that has been accomplished since its founding. The evening concluded with two artistic performances, including a show by the choir La Gang à Rambrou   

5 years of hard work and projects   

The INÉÉI-PSH story began in November 2018 with Selma Kouidri, co-founder and executive director and Hélène Lépine, co-founder and president of the governing board. After several years working in the community, Selma observed that people with disabilities experience higher rates of acts violence and discrimination compared to the general population and decided to start an organization that works specifically “to defend rights and interests related to the elimination of violence and discrimination, empowerment through access to the labor market, social inclusion and citizen participation, as well as fair and equal access to health and social services”. 

Since then, l’INÉÉI-PSH has been hard at work offering a wide range of services and activities to achieve its mission. Here is a brief look at some of them:  

  • The InterAidance service is a telephone support service for people with disabilities “regardless of age, gender or ethnocultural origin” seeking support and/or accompaniment with a situation of violence and/or discrimination.  
  • The C.A.F.É.S project consists of offering workshops exploring a variety of themes, with the aim of better equipping people with disabilities “to participate actively in inclusive and parity consultation tables, to better prepare for the administration of NPOs, and to sit on a board of directors. 
  • Les Sentinelles du Garde-Manger (pantry sentries) is a service that refers people to food support resources in order to “improve the autonomy, food security and food safety of people in vulnerable situations, particularly people with disabilities”. 

INÉÉI-PSH is active in Montreal and throughout the province of Quebec.  

You can follow l’INÉÉI-PSH’s activities on Facebook, Instagram as well as on their website.  

Congratulations l’INÉÉI-PSH for all your hard work! We wish you continued success for the next five years!