AQEIPS’ Bursary Program ; 25 years of Crucial Support

The Québec association for equity and inclusion in postsecondary education (AQEIPS) has worked tirelessly for 25 years to financially help students with disabilities (SWD). Conscious of the ever-present financial stresses of the SWD population, due to the cost of living and academic realities of being a student with a disability, the AQEIPS team mobilizes each year to carry out its bursary program, a program that would not be possible without the help from generous donors. This program reduces financial barriers and contributes to creating an inclusive environment where all students can shine academically by limiting the financial stressors of the cost of having a disability. Since its inception, our bursary program has helped over 175 students with disabilities.  

To celebrate our 25th anniversary, our team gave ourselves the goal of awarding 25 bursaries to SWD from across Québec. So, it is with pride and emotion that we were able to award 35 bursaries valuing between $500 to $1500 this year at our awards ceremony on May 21st, 2024, to students with disabilities studying at all postsecondary levels, across all of Québec. A record-breaking year for AQEIPS, proving that every donation counts!  

We would like to thank the members of our jury for all their hard work. We would also like to thank all the students who applied, as well as our exceptional donors and partners.

The AQEIPS team 

The financial reality of students with disabilities

Students with disabilities often face specific financial challenges, including additional costs for accessibility services and adaptive technologies, as well as private evaluations necessary to receive support at many post-secondary institutions. On top of that, regulations for receiving student financial assistance have changed and now only recognize major functional impairments, omitting emerging deficiencies, often labeled “invisible” disabilities from application forms; disabilities which represent almost 70% of the SWD population in universities. 

This added financial pressure affects both academic perseverance and student mental health. AQEIPS believes that all students deserve to shine to the best of their abilities in an environment that meets their needs, an adapted environment that is often synonymous with additional costs. The bursary program intervenes precisely to help alleviate this financial burden. 

Our bursary winners, a symbol of perseverance 

This year, 271 students applied to our bursary program. The work of the jury was truly arduous, even heartbreaking, since each situation reflects both a need for support and a call for celebration of accomplishment.

Through their applications, the 2024 bursary recipients describe a reality experienced by many, an academic journey marked by struggles and environmental barriers. However, with a strong sense of resilience, these students continue to persevere in the academic environment, contributing in their own way to the create an inclusive space, rich with diversity, embodying the values of our association.

Finally, AQEIPS wishes to celebrate the 25th anniversary of its bursary program and underline the exceptional achievements of each post-secondary student with a disability for many more years.  

Looking forward to seeing you again next year for our bursary program 2025,